yes, i haven't been blogging cuz i'm busy...
oh well, that's an excuse
i'm just too lazy to blog
alright, i just came back from japan, bought some news toys
AND lost my handphone too!!!!!!
okay, i was blur enough to have left it in the ladies
and when i realised( after shopping like an hour in uniqlo) i rushed back to look for it
and ya...u are right IT WAS GONE!!!
and cause it's japan( for those who know the culture will understand) i really can't figure out who would have taken it. i searched high n low, called n no one pick up. so i concluded it lost
grumbled to the bf using a frd's hp
grumbled more online
and HE: (sensing my saddness)
"I'll buy one for you ok...."
and yah...he got me a new sony ericisson PINK phone today!!!!
and before long, a japanese colleague called to said my old phone was found...
She: "your handphone was found in the police station..."
Me: "in japan police station?????!!!!"
She: " ya if not in sg ar?" lol
and she's going to pick it up for me when she is there next few days n bring it back to sg for me
received a new phone and a kind soul retrieving my old phone 4 me
so... i'm not so sway afterall. In fact very lucky
cuz there are soooooo many nice ppl around
heyo! i'm back!!!!
after sooooo long.
i've like tons of pics but really lazy to upload n blog
rested for one day, then toured sg today with.....
my never-grow-up
and his mummy.
and in case u miss me....
hellozzzz!!!!love this pic
be back soon...really tired la ZZZzzz
Flew in from Seoul to San franisco this morning
and after 11 hours flight, all i wanted to do was...
NO. not sleeping. SHOPPING!!!
ok i admit i was tired.
now i wake up after a nap...
hoping whatever i bought half asleep jus now isn't a disappointment.
be back with more pics when i'm more "awake"
LOVE, zhen